Home For Christmas: Forgotten Luxuries

The title to this post might be misleading, depending on how you define the word “luxuries.” Of course I would love limos, servants, and movie theaters in my basement, but I’m talking the little luxuries of everyday American life, like heat, and cranberry sauce. I found all my forgotten luxuries when I went home for Read More…

Why Does Living Overseas Make You A Better Person?

So why does living overseas make you a better person? It Opens Your Mind People here in Spain have asked me questions I think are silly, but they are truly curious about what my lifestyle is like. They ask me if I’m rich because I am living in Spain for 9 months. My answer to Read More…

An Expat’s View of the Spanish Culture

When I first applied to the Language and Culture Assistant program, I thought I knew all about the Spanish culture because I studied Spanish in school and read a few books that took place in Spain. I didn’t prepare much for a culture shock because I wasn’t expecting much of one. How different could such a Read More…