All Saints Day in Spain

November 1 is All Saints Day in Spain. Each year, people gather together to remember their loved ones who are no longer with us. Cemeteries are filled with people celebrating, not mourning, deceased relatives. People cover gravestones in elaborate floral displays, candles, and gifts as they celebrate their memories. It’s a beautiful holiday!

Discovering the White Villages of Andalusia

I’ve noticed that when people tell me they’re traveling to Spain, it usually includes only a Madrid or Barcelona trip. While big cities are great, they don’t capture the essence of Spain. I’m here to entice you to either skip or add on to a trip to the big cities and discover the white villages of Andalusia.

8 Most Unique and Beautiful Beaches

It’s no secret that I’m a beach person. I’m a sucker for a good beach! The beach is a place where the sun can melt stress and the ocean washes troubles away. I’m a firm believer that sun and salt water are a cure for all that ails you. So it makes sense that choosing Read More…

Spanish Carnaval for Beginners

Carnaval is semi-equivalent to Mardi Gras in the U.S., but on a bigger scale. It’s a popular party in the rest of the world, especially in Europe. Spanish Carnaval is one of the most popular parties in Europe, and it’s something you may want to plan around when traveling abroad. If you’re reading this, you’re Read More…

9 Best Travel Moments of 2015

I can’t do a worst travel moments post without doing a best travel moments post! So maybe we had a few rough patches while traveling Europe in 2015, but the good times definitely outweighed the bad. 1. Seeing the Northern Lights and the Blue Lagoon in Iceland This has been on my bucket list forever Read More…

9 Worst Travel Moments of 2015

As 2015 came to an end, I kept seeing the #2015bestnine on Instagram and spent quite some time trying to figure out how to get my best nine. I decided to post about my nine worst travel moments of 2015. I wish travel could be all flowers and rainbows all the time, but it’s just not Read More…

11 Things in Spain That Aren’t Common in the U.S.

Life in Spain is starting to feel a little like a dream. Waking up to shouts of “vengaaaa!!” and a beautiful mountainous backdrop is now only something I dream about. It helps to know that I appreciated my time there and didn’t take it for granted. Every day, I think back to this time last Read More…

6 Unexpected and Surprising Things I Learned While Living in Spain

I wasn’t really sure what to expect when I moved to Spain for the first time. I was an open book, ready for anything. Or so I thought. When I finally arrived, I realized I had no idea what was awaiting me. 1. “Friendly” takes on a new meaning. I thought I knew what “friendly” Read More…

7 Places to Travel In Winter

With colder weather approaching, most people are probably thinking it’s time for a trip to a beach or warm weather. I know people who follow the sun don’t want to think about going to a colder climate, but sometimes you get the best experience when you travel colder rather than warmer. Here are a few Read More…

Some of My More Interesting Travel Stories

Today, someone said to me: “Tell me something interesting about yourself.” The first thing that came to my mind was, “I’m just an average girl doing average things that make me happy, with not much special about myself.” Living in Spain I guess some people might think moving to a small white village on top of Read More…